the strip
2002-07-29 10:59:08
how about an update? the news section for example...
jönköping, swe
2002-07-20 01:42:52
let's change the subject. how are you rosie? how's life? what are you up to and why?
jönköping, swe
2002-07-15 02:21:44
yeah... june 6th. but it's nothing special. not like norway and usa. so it's a big thing in canada?
jönköping, swe
2002-07-12 12:25:00
Yeah, I survived Canada Day!!!! Do you guys have a Swedish Day?...if so when?
Rosie Romoli
Vancouver, B.C.
2002-07-10 00:37:06
I hope you survived Canada day oldtimer
jönköping, swe
2002-07-02 00:37:17
canada day? how sad. ahppy canada day anyway! say hello to john from me. he's a genius. no, no hultsfred for me. too old. and i had to work... haven't been there since '96. but i've been to a nomeansno concert once. marvellous! you canadians should go to sweden more often. over and out.
jönköping, swe
2002-07-01 10:55:10
Don't know nothin' about it....yet! I'm gonna see John today so I'll ask him about it.... It's Canada Day! Did you see the Hanson Brothers?
Rosie Romoli
Vancouver, B.C.
2002-06-28 04:30:49
rosie! do you know something about an album called "oops wrong stereotype"? with outtakes by nomeansno, jello biafra and others... i'm curious.
jönköping, swe
2002-06-27 10:07:37
all credit is good credit (you blackmailing w-r). i'm an honest man. you'll get the money you've spent if i fail. i must say i look forward to that album now...
jönköping, swe
2002-06-26 11:09:20
Well, I'm glad that the critics enjoyed the Hanson Brothers...they are an excellent lil' group... Ya know that Johnny Hanson and I have been in a few scraps together...the Butthole Surfers?...good name....hey I hear that there WILL be another PRIX record coming out soon...maybe we'll have some pictures to put in the liner notes....maybe you'll get a credit on the album for taking the pictures...or maybe you'll get a credit for stealing the's up to you!
Rosie Romoli
Vancouver, B.C.