the strip
2001-03-27 00:26:40
Hey Tanya! Yeah, I might have a few mental conditions, but at least I can tell a little joking between friends when I see it. NEWS FLASH: I like the Royal Grand Prix. I've seen them about a dozen times. My band has played with them three times. Two present and two past members of my band have Royal Grand Prix t-shirts. I even bought that stupid doll that says "fuck" all the time. Yeah, we look pathetic, but we know good rock and roll when we hear it. Sheesh.
justin banal
Maple Ridge, BC
2001-03-26 19:14:23
if you wanna know who justin banal is go to his band looks pretty fuckin' pathetic. go sign his guestbook!
not maple ridge!, bc
2001-03-26 10:26:15
Who is this guy, justin banal?...Does he have some sort of mental condition? I saw the Prix at the Picadilly the other night and they were over the top GREAT!!!! If this justin guy doesn't like them so much why does he spend so much time at the web site? Strange little fellow...
Tanya Wilson
Burnaby, BC
2001-03-25 16:46:18
Hey Rocky! I think you're forgetting about the four geeks on the stage.
justin banal
Maple Ridge, BC
2001-03-24 16:18:12
anita honey, you are too kind! please, by all means, wear our prix shirt to the gig 'cause the only geeks in the joint will be the one's who won't want to purchase one.
vancouver, bc
2001-03-24 12:49:38
should i wear my special 'prix' shirt tonight to the show or would i look like a super-geek? i'm so excited to see y'all tonight! yee haw! when we were on tour thru the prairies & would get gas (it was always full-service) we would all spontaneously bust into 'full-service' & even bust some prix moves!
anita honey
vancouver, bc
2001-03-23 22:06:46
Hey Sue! I think the fact that Rosie's response to you isn't even a coherant sentence speaks for itself so far as the men vs. boys issue is concerned. Hey Rosie! If there's ONLY one word you should know, it's OLD. Oh, and in case you're wondering Rose my man, your grand-daughter gives shitty head.
justin banal
Maple Ridge, BC
2001-03-23 16:47:03
Well, Sue...ya know, men aren't really the smartest beasts out there...the old things dumber than men are boys!
vancouver, bc
2001-03-23 14:50:22
Such petty bickering. Makes me wonder if EITHER one of you are getting laid.
Sue Richards
fantasticland, UT
2001-03-23 13:55:11
Funny you should mention deciding and my original point in the same sentence. Now that I think about it, I can't decide whether that stink comes from your outfits, or the band itself.
justin banal
Maple Ridge, BC